Import mysql 5.5 dump in to 5.1

If your getting the error Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci‘ Its probally becuase you trying to inport a 5.5 export to a 5.1 databse. You can try changing CHARSET=utf8mb4 to CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci COLLATE=utf8_general_ci This will only work if you don’t have invalid caratuers in your mysql dump but it may help.

Crypto Virus’s doing the rounds again.

Hi I have a important message for you. If you receive any emails claiming to be from Auspost NSW Roads or Westpac (to name a few) here are a few tips to stop you from download a virus. 1) Check the url or website address ip the top. This 2) Capture on sites. The […]

Kaseya Antivirus Removal Password

While cleaning up a customers laptop i found a old Kaseya Antivirus that was out of date and when i went to remove it it required a password. After searching around for a while i found there is a default code “KaseyaUninstall”