Cisco Router Secuirty

Cisco Routers are cool but i have been finding a few issues with DDOS attacks of late. Mainly DNS and NTP. DNS DDOS access-list 153 remark Block DOS DNS access-list 153 permit ip host any – Replace this with the DNS server your using access-list 153 deny tcp any any eq domain access-list 153 […]

Xenserver tapdisk experienced an error

Hi After upgrading a few of our Xenservers to 6.5 i moved a few hard drives from some troublesome servers. I found that after they were remounted i would get a error saying “tapdisk experienced an error” after a bit of digging around in the logs i found Server_helpers.exec exception_handler: Got exception SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_449: [ ; tapdisk […]

Xenserver Import XVA from Network Share

I was updating our servers to Xenserver 6.5 the other night and i was trying to work out the fastest way of importing some machines i exported. And it seems that xe vm-import is the way to do it.   1) do a xe sr-list and note the UUID of the SR you wish to […]