How to brand MAV 6.2

Hey Guys, Since the introduction of MAV 6.2 they have taken away the ability for us to brand MAV. Here is a workaround I came up with as so many people have requested it. Please note that this modifies the resources of the files. Although changes no actual code, don’t expect it to be supported […]

TeamViewer Linux Integration (.tvc)

Here is a little tip on how to get .tvc files associated with TeamViewer under Linux (Debian/Ubuntu). So install TeamViewer 8 If you haven’t already. cd /tmp wget dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb Now to create the association. nano ~/.local/share/applications/takecontrol.desktop Paste in the following [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Take Control Comment=TeamViewer Remote Control Application Exec=teamviewer –desktop […]